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The Color Run Style Guide
In all references, the full name of the company should be used: “The Color Run.” Avoid using “the Color Run” or “Color Run.”
When referring to participants of The Color Run, the term “Color Runners” can be used.
The 2018 tour theme in is officially titled “The Color Run Hero Tour.
The Color Run Press FAQ
– What is The Color Run?
The Color Run is a five-kilometer, un-timed event in which thousands of participants, or “Color Runners,” are doused from head to toe in different colors at each kilometer. The Color Run caters to everyone — from first time runners to seasoned athletes. At the end of the event, participants join a “Finish Festival” with music, dancing and massive color throws.
Now the single largest event series in the world, The Color Run has exploded since its debut event. The Color Run has now hosted more than 1,000 events in 35+ countries.
– Is The Color Run a non-profit?
The Color Run is a for-profit event management company dedicated to producing high-quality events for all of its participants.
As a for-profit event management company, The Color Run frequently partners with different charities to help shine a light on their amazing work within the community and the causes they stand for. The Color Run has raised donations for more than 80 local and national charities since 2012. To date, The Color Run has donated more than $5 million to charity.
– How did The Color Run start?
Travis Snyder is the founder and executive director of The Color Run and the mastermind behind paint-style events. He began creating high endurance events such as triathlons and relay races 16 years ago. The Color Run was born in an effort to create a nonthreatening running environment where professional and novice runners could come together and enjoy the purity of the sport.
– When did The Color Run hold its first event?
The Color Run held its first event in Tempe, AZ in January of 2012 with 6,000 participants.
– What was the inspiration to add “color” to the event?
Travis wanted to add a visual component to the event to serve as an aesthetic reward for all of the participants who completed the race. His inspiration came from day-glow events, Disney’s World of Color and color festivals throughout the world.
– Why is The Color Run so popular?
The Color Run is less about your 10-minute-mile and more about having the time of your life. Because this event is un-timed and marketed as a “fun run,” it lacks the intimidation factor that other organized fitness events can have. People from all athletic backgrounds can enjoy the experience. Additionally, The Color Run takes on a new theme each year with new course elements and unique photo opportunities.
– The Color Run has a lot of competitors. What sets The Color Run apart?
The Color Run is the originator and innovator of the paint race genre and is the largest running series in the world. The Color Run continually innovates and adds new components to the event in addition to giving premier customer service, finding the best venues and doing everything possible to make each run the “Happiest 5K on the Planet”.
With more than 5.6 million fans on Facebook, 13 million views on YouTube, 242k followers on Instagram, and 134k followers on Twitter, The Color Run has one of the largest engaged fan bases in the running community. The Color Run interacts with its fans year-round to continually inspire healthy living.
The Color Run Hero Tour Media Release
The Happiest 5k on the Planet zooms into Broadwater Parklands on the Gold Coast Sunday 19 August with a brand new hero-themed tour. Color Runners will soar to new heights with official happiness hero Captain Color, supersized Color Zones and a limited edition participant pack complete with a unicorn medal.
New presenting partner 7-Eleven will bring two new activation zones to the event village and take over a multi-coloured zone on course. Participants can also treat themselves to a free slurpee as they finish.
Official happiness hero Captain Color and her unicorn will host a color commitment ceremony ahead of every wave. This will see Color Runners pledge their commitment to helping others, having fun and spreading the magic of color as they complete the Happiest 5k on the Planet.
Participants will also be treated to a full day of super-charged entertainment with extended event hours and a spectacular Finish Festival keeping runners going well after the finish line. Live music, dancing and massive color throws are just a glimpse of what the Finish Festival has on offer.
The Color Run Australia is also joining forces with the Starlight Children’s Foundation as the Official Charity Partner, who are committed to bringing fun, joy and laughter to sick kids and their families. The Color Run encourages participants to raise funds and awareness for the incredible foundation with the help of volunteers and activations on site.
The Gold Coast event will also see an array of partner activations at the event including Voost Vitamins, Mojo Kombucha, Elastoplast, Slurpee and Chemist Warehouse.
With no winners or official finish times, The Color Run is perfect for everyone from beginners to seasoned athletes. Families, friends and first-timers are encouraged to join the fun at the unique color-filled event to celebrate health, happiness and individuality.
What: The Color Run Hero Tour – Gold Coast
When: Sunday 19 August 2018
Where: Broadwater Parklands
Appropriate For: All ages and abilities
Tickets Available Now:
Kids under 5 years run free!
About The Color Run
Founded in 2011, The Color Run’s mission is to bring people together in a safe, joyous and colorful environment.
Celebrate the hero in you!
The Color Run Media Kit
For photos, FAQ, press releases, and more, please view The Color Run Media Kit here: