Worry Less, Run More.
8 Tips to Lasting Happiness
Let’s face it. It’s easy to get so caught up in life’s constant pursuit towards “success” that when we have a minute to stop and assess where we are in our personal happiness, that feeling of being truly happy sometimes falls short. So how are you going to change that? You can start with worrying less, and running more at The Color Run! We also have 8 more tips below for ways to take one step towards the ultimate goal of genuine, lasting happiness.
Happiness is Not a Destination
The most important thing to realize is that happiness is not a destination. It’s not the end point of this grand journey to having everything you want. I’m sure we’ve all fallen victim to the thought that if we had [a fancy new boat] and [a larger salary], we would finally be happy once and for all. The problem with that is, there will always be a “next step”, something we want more. Rather than a destination, happiness is a journey. And no matter our life circumstances, we can choose to be happy at any point in this wonderful journey.
So now you’re thinking, “Choose to be happy”blech. What a cliche line. Time to stop reading.” I’d apologise, except that this happens to be undoubtedly true! Even still, some practical steps so you can try a little harder to be a little happier:
Set Goals
Setting goals and working towards achieving them gives us purpose, a newfound work ethic, and something tangible to hold on to as we accomplish these goals. It’s all about creating short-term rewards for yourself, and what better way then to feel the joy of accomplishing a goal (and celebrating your great achievement!)? Each goal you set (short-term, long-term, and everything in between) is a proactive step towards creating a future you want versus being acted upon so that your future is chosen for you.
Make it a Habit to Recognise the Happy
If you’re reading this blog post, it means you have a computer, laptop, smart phone, tablet, or even access to a public computer with Internet. In any case, you are so lucky! Try to keep things in perspective as you measure the problems in your life against your blessings. Focus on the good things in your life by making a conscious effort to recognize the seemingly insignificant things that made you smile or caused a happy thought to cross your mind. Start writing these things down. Even if it is only 1 a day and the one thing that made you happy that day was food, the more you practice this, the easier finding these small joys in your life will become. Make writing these things down a habit, and happiness will become your habit as well.
Organise your Life
How easy is it to be grumpy when we wake up to an impossibly long mental to-do list, a messy house, and a hectic schedule? By taking small steps towards becoming more organised, we decrease (even a small part) our stress levels, leaving more room in our lives to be happy. Strive each day to make a list of the most important things to get done (and fight the urge to put “bake an apple pie from scratch” on that list) and focus on achieving only those things. While going above and beyond is great, set realistic expectations for yourself given your time and energy constraints. Additionally, keep an agenda, planner, or digital calendar of your schedule for each day. Amid the craziness of day-to-day life, the last thing you need is to remember that one time you promised to meet with that one person at that one place.
Look Outside Yourself
Rather than begrudgingly accepting the chances you have to serve those around you, look for these opportunities in your everyday life. Whether that’s in the form of a listening ear, a kind smile, or taking time to look around you at those who need a simple act of kindness, seeking out the opportunity to make someone’s day that much better brings satisfaction and happiness.
Hello, endorphins?! We’re knockin’ on your door because we hear you’re pretty great. Not only does exercise help you physically, but also it can improve your mental state. Through endorphins released during exercise to the accomplished feeling of meeting personal goals through exercise, you have the opportunity each and every day to get moving and get a little happier.
What matters most? How will you define your success? These are crucial questions to ask yourself, as answering them will provide a framework with which you build your life. Fight the urge to define success as taking home a high paying salary, having no problems, and having perfect relationships. In defining what success means to you, focus instead on being the best you can be and cultivating the relationships with people who help make you truly happy. A strong relationship with a sister, friend, father, daughter, spouse, etc. will last much longer and bring much more joy than will the latest sports car.
Have Patience with Yourself
We all fall short, so in the inevitable pursuit of perfection, understand it’s okay to fail, because you will. But guess what? “Failing” is only a failure if you fail to learn and grown from it. If you approach life with this attitude, you’ll see failures turn to personal successes faster than you know. In defining what success means to you, focus instead on being the best you can be and cultivating the relationships with people who help make you truly happy. A strong relationship with a sister, friend, father, daughter, spouse, etc. will last much longer and bring much more joy than will the latest sports car.